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Image by Samuel Scrimshaw
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About Spirit Son

When Robin Monson-Dupuis, psychotherapist and substance abuse counselor, loses her son Ethan to a heroin overdose after an eight-year journey trying to help him stay alive, it shatters everything in her world. She finds her beliefs tested: her role as a mother, her faith, her marriage, and her purpose in this world.

Spirit Son: A Mother’s Journey to Reconnect with Her Son After His Death From Heroin Overdose is a courageous memoir detailing one mother’s story of surviving her unimaginable pain, beginning to heal, and even growing after her traumatic loss. This raw account of losing a child to the opioid epidemic and struggling to find peace offers honest analysis and reflections as well as a profound message of hope: that the everlasting bond between us and our loved ones can be embraced, even deepened, despite their physical death.

Interested in purchasing a signed copy from Robin? Send her a direct inquiry HERE

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